Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Beauty in Synchronicity

   Have you ever went about your day and every encounter you had was so perfectly matched up with what you needed, what you were looking for, and what you had been thinking about, that you felt like the stars were aligning just for you?  These occurrences are called Synchronicity.  Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently unrelated, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner.

   When I started practicing Healing Touch and living my life in perfect alignment, I started to notice Synchronicity in my daily life more often.  Completely unrelated events would line up to produce astounding and helpful scenarios to improve my personal life, my professional life, and help me to gain a better understanding of whether I was heading in the right direction with my life in general.

   I realized, and read in many books, that there is a much deeper level of interconnectedness of everything in existence.  When you become  aligned with the whole, a universal consciousness, you become a part of that path and purpose.  As a result, spontaneous helpful occurrences, chance encounters, coincidences, and synchronistic events happen much more frequently. You begin to see that the universe really does have a plan mapped out for you.  By following your purpose, passion, and enthusiasms, you create that in which you need to help you create it.

   Here are a few amazing examples of Synchronicity I want to share with you all.  After my pinning ceremony as a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, my best friend, Sierra, and I  knew we were ready to start our own practice.  Our energy and motivation was just right for this endeavor and we were determined to get our company off the ground.  On the same day that we were to look at a few different locations for our practice, I also had multiple other errands to run.  This included presenting Healing Touch to the Chief Nursing Officer at my hospital and all the directors of patient care, meeting with 2 different holistic health practitioners and viewing their office locations, advertising our business name with the local newspapers, and lastly, going to watch my Red Sox team play in Game 6 of the World Series.

   I had an abundance of time between appointments and decided to get a quick chiropractic adjustment in from my trusted Chiropractor who I had been seeing for the past 7 years.  Watching my beloved Red Sox during the postseason had given me a stiff neck from all the tensing up I had to do during a roller coaster of a World Series.  I told him about all of my exciting news with my new Healing Nurses practice and our search for an office location.  As I was leaving his office, it dawned on him that he had a massage room that was only being used two and a half days a week and why didn't we begin our practice in his office.  Not only did we find our starting off location for our Healing Nurses practice that day with my amazing Chiropractor, who I didn't plan on seeing that day, but the Red Sox also won the World Series that night.  Coincidence?? I think not.

   Another recent event occurred just last week while I was vacationing in Maui, Hawaii.  My friend and I woke up bright and early and went for a walk on Ka'anapali Beach.  We saw a small market setting up with different vendors selling their products.  As we were walking through the market, I heard this beautiful, peaceful, relaxing music.  I felt like I was being brought towards this booth by some magnetic force and the harmony of the music.  When I got to the table, the CD that the man was selling was entitled Healing Touch.  I couldn't believe it.  I told him that I am a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and that I loved the music he was playing.  He said that when he created the CD, it was not meant for Healing Touch specifically, but for massage and Reiki practitioners.  He has since learned all about the practice of Healing Touch as many practitioners have bought his CDs from the name alone.

   At the time though, I did not have enough cash on me to buy it.  I promised him I would be back to purchase his music.  When I came back that afternoon, he had set up his booth fully and now all of his CDs were visible.  I realized that one of my favorite and trusted CDs called "Reiki Offering" was co-written by this same man, Nadama.  I told him how I used his CD often with my clients and that they find his music very relaxing and soothing.  I bought 2 more of his CD's that day and plan on buying more in the future.  He even signed my CD for me! The universe was pointing me in his direction and I followed my intuition knowing this music was meant for me.

   When these Synchronistic events occur, I trust and know that  I am being divinely guided to exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I am doing.  The universe is unfolding for me, telling me "Warmer, you are getting warmer."  I am on my path and following my heart.  More signs will pop up along the way like street signs pointing me in the right direction.  Its up to me to pay attention to these signs and follow along with an open mind and open heart.  Each sign is a piece of the puzzle that overtime will become whole and make you see that all these little random occurrences actually all belong together to create the beautiful life that is being arranged before your eyes.  That is the beauty in Synchronicity.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Patients Become My Family

   As a night shift nurse, I always felt that my presence with my patient's during their difficult ICU stay was most beneficial at night. It is at this time that their families go home to get their much needed rest and they are left in a scary, unfamiliar environment.

   There are tubes, catheters, wires, alarms going off, blood pressure cuffs squeezing their arm frequently, bright lights, and an uncomfortable bed. This is not their home, this is their biggest fear. They want their family, their bed, and to feel better.

   I am their night shift nurse, and I am going to be their family for the night. I tell them this right away. I also make sure that my actions, my care, my words, and especially my touch, reflects this statement.

  I listen to their concerns. I let them tell me their story. Sometimes those stories are about meeting their spouse of 50 years. Other times, the stories remind me of those my Grandfather, a proud Air Force veteran, would share. Occasionally, my patient is my age and has never been sick a day in their life. 

  The one thing that all of my patient's have in common is that I become their surrogate family member for the night. I take care of them as if they were my own blood. I show them the same love and compassion my family receives.

   I become a healing presence in whatever way they need. Healing Touch is my way of helping them to relax, sleep more peacefully, relieve anxiety, and diminish their pain levels. My hands transmit that essence of love, family, and healing energy. I have been blessed for the past 11 years as an ICU nurse of having added so many different, unique, special people to my surrogate family by being their night shift nurse.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

7 Essential Tips for Wellness

I frequently get asked for suggestions on what I do to maintain my health and wellness.  Although this is not a complete list, I would say that it is the core of my routine.  By following these 7 essential tips on optimal wellness, you can find a balanced physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

1.  Yoga-  Yoga is known to lower stress, decrease anxiety, and promote a greater sense of peace.  All of that is just from a mental perspective.  The physical benefits of yoga include building lean muscle mass, improving flexibility, and gaining strength and endurance.  Yoga can decrease your blood pressure as well as your cholesterol.  Yoga focuses on asanas or postures that open different energy centers in your body- your chakras.  Basically, yoga is amazing.  It is a powerhouse activity that balances your mind, body, and spirit.

2.  Epsom salt baths- After that first yoga class you take, no better way to follow up a detoxifying yoga class than with a detoxifying epsom salt bath. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate.   Some of the countless health benefits of epsom salt include: relaxing the nervous system, curing skin problems, soothing back pain and aching limbs, easing muscle strain, healing cuts, treating cold and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body. One of the simplest ways to ease stress and stress-related problems is to soak in a tub full of hot water with a few cups of Epsom Salt added. It has the beneficial properties that can soothe the body, mind and soul.  Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils and it becomes a heavenly retreat!

3.  Healing Touch-  As a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, of course I am going to mention Healing Touch.  Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing energy therapy where a practitioner uses their hands to release congested energy in the body and biofield around the body.  Healing Touch focuses on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, so it is a total therapy.  If you have pain, your stressed out, or grieving the loss of a loved one, a Healing Touch treatment will help you through all of these life issues.

All healing is self healing.  We all have this innate ability to heal ourselves.  One way this can be done is through a Self Chakra Connection.  Follow along with the picture and hold each one for about a minute.  Imagine healing energy being sent from your hands directly to the part of the body your are touching.  This technique opens all of the major and minor chakras in the body and will have you feeling your best in no time.     I make sure to do a treatment on myself at least once daily.   Usually it is before a yoga class while I lay on my mat and right before I fall asleep.  I usually fall asleep before I finish all of the pictures...what a great side effect of Healing Touch....a good night's sleep!  To schedule your appointment for Healing Touch, visit my website

4.  Nutritional Healing-  Diet and Nutrition play a huge role in your wellness.  You are what you if you are eating tons of fried, fatty, and processed foods, you are not going to feel very good.  Sticking to foods as close to their original form is the best, so think veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean chicken or fish.  I personally start my day by drinking a green juice, a mixture of green leafy vegetables and green apple.  By drinking this on an empty stomach, all of the nutrients will go directly into my cells and infuse my body with some goodness.  I also enjoy drinking fruit and veggie smoothies   mixed with greek yogurt for that protein punch.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a glass of wine and some dark chocolate every now and then.  But moderation is key!

5.  Nature-  Have you ever walked along the beach or through the woods on a hike and felt stressed out??  Mother Nature with all of her glory has many calming, soothing effects.  Get outside!  Look around at all the beauty nature holds and appreciate it!  Go hug a tree.  No, really, go hug a tree and see how amazing it feels.  I play a lot of music during my Healing Touch treatments that have nature sounds and many times my client will comment how they felt like they were out in nature and it was so peaceful.  They realize how long it had been since they actually heard the sound of real ocean waves or a bird calling.  Try to spend more time in nature and find a calm, relaxing, peaceful mindset.

6.  Gratitude-  Studies have shown that people who practice gratitude tend to be happier, have fewer physical ailments,  are more optimistic, better able to cope with life stressors, and sleep better.  The University of California: Davis, recently completed a Research Study on Gratitude and its results will have you running to your nearest journal to start writing about what you are grateful for on a daily basis.  Sometimes, I will start naming off things I'm grateful for while I'm driving.  The time goes by so fast!   I feel so calm and at peace when I realize all that I am truly thankful for on a regular basis.

7.  Love-  Perhaps the most important tip for optimal wellness is Love.  I know you all love your family and friends, but the kind of love I am talking about here is Self-love.  Truly loving yourself is one of the most healing things you can do for yourself.  Letting go of negative talk, self-doubt, and resentment for previous mistakes will help you to find that self-love.  You are perfect just the way you are and deserve all the love this world has to offer.  So go ahead, look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I love you."  Your path to wellness is on its way.

What would your 7 Essential tips for Wellness be???  How do you maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit??  Leave your tips in the comment section and see how many positive changes you can help another person make on their path to optimal health and wellness.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I'll be happy when.....(insert your excuse here)

   Often times I hear my family or friends say to me, "I'll be happy when I have a boyfriend/girlfriend". Or "I'll be happy when I have a better job or more money". Sure, it's great to want more for your life and to have that special someone. But what happens when your happiness is dependent on a future event occurring, that may never occur? Will you ever be happy??

   Eckhart Tolle wrote a wonderful book, "The Power of Now". In his book, he talks about this exact situation and how it is preventing you from living your optimal life full of happiness, love, gratitude, and well-being. If you are always waiting for a million dollars to be happy, how are you going to be happy RIGHT NOW? The mind constantly stressing, hoping, wanting, needing more, more, more is not going to bring you happiness. It's up to you to make a conscious effort to find your happiness within.

   Research has shown that strong emotions can cause changes in the biochemistry of the body and within your cells. Negative thinking, long term unhappiness, sadness, and stress all create dis-ease in the body. This unbalancing effect in your energy field and build up of congested energy over time will become a physical manifestation in your body which translates into an illness or disease. Unhappiness spreads more easily than a physical disease!

   On the opposite side of the spectrum, love, joy, peace, and gratitude are deep states of being that can create balance in your energy field and improve your overall health. It is time to start finding happiness in the life you are living NOW. Whatever the present moment contains, ACCEPT it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Be grateful for all the amazing things you DO have in your life instead of focusing on what you don't have. Start smiling at everything you see! Even things you once perceived as negative. Soon your mind will catch up with your actions, your SMILE, and start to believe that everything in your life is wonderful, beautiful, and amazing.

   Finding happiness within yourself and your current life begins in your heart. LOVE YOURSELF! Believe you are the most amazing, unique creature who was ever created...because you are! Find happiness and joy in everything you see. Look for ways to turn a negative into a positive every time you encounter a roadblock. Over time you will realize that it becomes second nature to look at the world in a positive light. Being happy now will create even more happiness in your future. You will attract all that your heart desires and more by putting all of your energy on the present moment, the NOW. Practice mindfulness, positive thinking, and gratitude to find your happiness. Time to get started, your HAPPINESS begins now!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Healing Journey

   At the age of 5 years old, I knew my path was already determined for me.  I was going to be a Nurse and make a difference in the world.  I told anyone who would listen who I was going to be when I grew up.  I knew I would be a healing presence, much like  the way my grandmother Lillian was to all who met her.  She was not a nurse, but she cured people with the simple touch of her hands and love in her heart.  She brushed away headaches with a gentle wave of her hands.  I was in awe when I watched her.  I never knew that what she was doing was considered Energy Healing and that one day I would follow in her footsteps.

     My enthusiasm for nursing and aspirations to succeed helped me to graduate at the top of my class as Valedictorian at Boston College William F. Connell School of Nursing with a Baccaulareate degree in May of 2003.  This prestigious honor granted me a highly coveted position in a New Graduate ICU training program at Boston Medical Center, a Level 1 Trauma Center in Boston, Massachusetts.  My career as an Intensive Care Unit Nurse took me to many different hospitals in the next 10 years where I was able to specialize in Oncology, Neurosurgery, Pulmonary, Cardiac, and Surgical Nursing. 

 After experiencing life in San Diego as a Travel Nurse in 2007, I decided to permanently move to San Diego in early 2010 to continue working in the finest city in America.  I loved working with one nurse in particular, who also happened to be Nurse of the Year in the ICU, Sierra Baker.  She was my inspiration for becoming a more holistic nurse.  I watched on a few occasions as she practiced Healing Touch on my patients and knew I needed to learn this wonderful technique to help my patients find pain relief and relaxation during their difficult hospital stay.
     A twist of fate happened in April 2011.  Just days after passing the CCRN (Critical Care Registered Nurse) exam, I woke up one afternoon in a hospital room with no memory of how I arrived there.  I was told I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury and had been unconscious for the past 12 hours.  I spent the new few months fighting horrendous ice-pick headaches and migraines, extreme fatigue, photophobia, and more that accompanied Post Concussive Syndrome.  I attempted returning to work only 3 months after my brain injury and suffered through unbearable headaches while putting on a smile and caring for my ICU patients. It was at this time that Sierra had begun practicing her new techniques from Level 1 Healing Touch on me to diminish my headaches when we were on our break at work.  I was amazed each time she lessened my headache.  When my Post Concussive Syndrome worsened and sent me back on disability, she urged me to take Healing Touch Level 1 so that I could learn how to heal myself.   
     Barbara Brennan, a well known author and Energy Healer said “If you wish to become a healer, you can.  Your first challenge is to heal yourself.  Focus on that, then focus on finding ways to help others heal themselves.  This will lead to your development as a healer.  No one can bestow healership upon another.  It is something that grows from the inside.”  In October 2011, I took my first Healing Touch Level 1 class which propelled me into a life of Love and Healing that was more amazing than I could ever imagine.  I realized the same qualities my grandmother possessed as an Energy Healer, were awakened inside of me.  “From chaos comes clarity.”
     My healing began immediately.  I started living my life in perfect harmony, treating myself with daily self -chakra connections, repeating positive affirmations, and reading anything I could find on Holistic Medicine.  My headaches quickly faded while my energy grew.   I aligned my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and realized all along I had the innate ability to heal myself.  I soon began treating friends and family and sharing this wonderful gift of healing energy with miraculous results.  I progressed along the Healing Touch International Certificate Program taking Levels 1-3 quickly, volunteering in the community sharing Healing Touch, and attending Healing Touch support groups.  Sierra and I formed a much stronger bond over our abilities to heal ourselves and others.  Our individual paths brought us together to continue on with our Healing Touch Journey.  My Traumatic Brain Injury became a blessing in disguise as I found my  true calling in life as a nurse and a healer, along with finding balance and wellness.
     I became a Healing Touch International Practitioner Apprentice in April 2012 after taking Level 4 Healing Touch together with Anne Day, the former president of Healing Touch International.  I had a one year mentorship, where I completed rigorous training and preparation for my journey to become a practitioner.  My mentor was Donna Cahill, who is the Healing Touch Practitioner at Scripps Mercy Hospital.  In June 2013, I completed the final level of Healing Touch International Certificate Program, Level 5, to become a Healing Touch International Practitioner.  I then completed extra requirements to achieve certification in the summer of 2013 to become a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner.  It has been the most amazing experience to fulfill my dreams and passion in life.             
     “That is the way it works.  Healing starts at home and then holographically threads through the rest of life on the planet.  In healing the self, one heals the planet.  You find faith, truth, and self-love”. 
     With 10 years of Intensive Care Unit experience, I am currently a Surgical ICU Nurse at Sharp Grossmont Hospital where I help my patients heal after life-threatening illnesses and injuries.  Healing Touch has become a regular treatment for my patients.  They exhibit less pain, less anxiety, and an overall sense of well-being after they receive a Healing Touch Treatment.   Outside of the hospital, I have begun a Healing Touch practice where I provide my clients with the same relaxation and pain relief that helped to heal myself.  I am also a member of Healing Touch International, American Holistic Nurses Association, and American Association of Critical Care Nurses.  I am the co-ower of Healing Nurses in Mission Valley, San Diego, California.  Check out my page.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Basics of Chakras

    It seems like where ever you go these days, you hear that same word over and over again.....CHAKRAS.  Your yoga instructor told you that one of your chakras needed opening.   The owner of a new age store suggested a certain stone would boost one of your chakras.   Dr. Oz did a whole show on chakras and what foods to eat to enhance each chakra. What do they all know that we don't know???    Do they have some type of x-ray vision to see these magical chakras that I didn't even know were there?   What exactly is a chakra??
   A chakra is an energy center in our body.  We have 7 main chakras that line up the middle of our body along our central nervous system and each chakra correlates with a major endocrine gland.  Chakra in Sanskrit means "spinning wheel".  Our chakras spin clockwise when they are healthy, open, and functioning properly.   Energy or Chi, moves through these chakras and flows throughout our whole bodies.  Think of how our blood flows through our veins and arteries.  Energy flows through its own channels called meridians or nadi's to all of the chakras within our body.  We have minor chakras in all of our organs, joints, palms, and soles of our feet as well.  That's a whole lot of chakras!
   The problems we deal with on a daily basis, such as pain, headaches and anxiety occur when our chakras become congested, depleted, or blocked.  Sure, you could take a Tylenol or a Xanax and mask your pain or anxiety, but that wouldn't get down to the root of the problem.  It only puts a bandaid on the situation.  Over time, that congested energy becomes a long lasting physical problem in our body that can become a serious illness or disease.
   So what can you do to open your chakras and keep them healthy and energized.  Yoga is the most common example out there.  The different postures you hold in a yoga class is designed to open the different chakras.  Meditation can also help in balancing and opening your chakras.  5 minutes of quiet time is a great way to start off if you are a newbie to meditating.
   The most effective way to open and balance your chakras would be to receive hands on energy work.  Healing Touch is one of the most widely recognized and regulated forms of energy work.  Practitioners have to go through 5 Levels of training, a one year mentorship, and certification guidelines to get their title.  Even better, most Certified Healing Touch Practitioners are Nurses!  Who better to help you find your way to wellness.  For more information about Healing Touch or to schedule an appointment, check out my site.